Here we are, dancing into the twilight of another incredible year. As 2023 twirls to a close, with just a couple of games left to play, I’m eager to share this reflection with you before the final whistle blows.

2023 was nothing short of extraordinary! It was a year brimming with memorable moments and remarkable events. Let’s dive into some of these highlights that made the year truly special!

Over the past 12 months, we’ve had the incredible opportunity to spread amazing cash prize pools, with a huge thanks to our supportive venues.

“We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve given away a staggering $128,750 in total cash and prizes!”

It’s been a journey filled with smiles, surprises, and life-changing moments for many.

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2023 has been a year of amazing transformations and new beginnings! Here are some of the standout changes that made this year unforgettable:

This year wasn’t just about events and venues; it was also a year of welcoming new talents to our incredible team. We can’t forget the two fantastic additions who have made this year even more remarkable: Travis Boote and Stephen Best.

Travis joined us with a spark of enthusiasm and a knack for innovation, bringing fresh ideas and energy that have been nothing short of inspirational. Stephen, with his incredible wit and a keen eye for detail, has uplifted the quality of our events to new heights. Whilst Stephens’s place on the team was only short-lived, he will return end of January 2024. 

Together, they’ve become integral parts of our family, contributing not just their skills but also their passion and dedication. Their arrival marks a new chapter in our journey, filled with promise and excitement for the future…. which is actually delicious. 

Of course, every journey has its bumps, and 2023 was no exception. We encountered a few challenges, but these moments have only strengthened our resolve to make things better. Here’s how we turned these situations around:

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Rulebook Changes!

Well, we have a revised Rulebook (found here)
which I do recommend everyone take the time and go over it, to ensure you’re familiar with it. 

Some of the new/revised rules are as follows

Now prepare for the 2023 winners photo gallery!